A Whimsical Hideaway: The Dr. Seuss House in Willow, Alaska
Written by Jenny Kleinknecht
If you’ve never been to Alaska, I strongly suggest you make it there at least once in your life. What I can tell you is that there are about a thousand reasons why you should and not many reasons why you wouldn’t. I’ve just found one more reason why Alaska is worth the trip.
Dubbed, the Dr. Seuss House by the locals of Willow, Alaska; this 12 story house is unlike any other. The urban legend (everyone loves a good legend, right?) surrounding the structure goes like this… construction began when the forest where the property is located was gladed because of a fire. Eventually the forest regenerated and as the tree line grew higher, the views became more and more compromised.
The owner spent the next 10 years building story upon story in an effort to find the most epic views possible. He managed to reach 12 before he passed. Or so the legend goes. Whatever the story may be, this mysterious hideaway hidden away in the Alaskan woods, deserves some attention.
It seems we can’t find what you’re looking for. Perhaps searching can help.