Hannah Widmer— Redefining Tradition and Glamour
In a world where heritage meets haute couture, Hannah Widmer stands as a captivating symbol of elegance and entrepreneurial spirit. From the heartlands of the Midwest to the dazzling runways of international fashion, her journey is as enchanting as it is inspiring.
Your story seamlessly weaves through tradition and modernity, balancing a rich familial legacy with a thriving career in fashion. How do you navigate between these two worlds, and what lessons have you learned along the way?
I believe that everything in life is a balance and I’ve had to learn how to balance so I can best show up for myself and my work. I’ve always considered myself to be a hard worker, and when I set my mind to something I do everything in my power to make it happen. I’ve learned that life is difficult and when we fail (which is inevitable) we must get up and try, try again. Pushing forward in the face of adversity is one of the most important life lessons. No matter what happens, never give up and keep your chin up. And when life gives you lemons, use them in as many ways as you possibly can.
With an impressive array of covers and features in prestigious publications worldwide, your influence spans continents. What drives your creative vision, and how do you ensure each project remains uniquely “Hannah”?
Before I go into a shoot, I envision how I want the shoot to go and what I hope to achieve during the given shoot. I have an image in my mind and I set my mind to make it happen. I am a big believer in manifestation and in manifesting what we want and what we hope to achieve is vital in my life. From the clothing to the makeup to the poses, I always set out to embody who I am and proudly show that through my vision.
The tale of your great-grandparents’ love and immigration journey is truly captivating. How has their story shaped your own sense of identity and purpose, both personally and professionally?
A love story as sweet as my grandparents gives me faith that it truly exists out there and that it is worth waiting for. From the bravery to the courage of not only immigrating to America for a better life but loving someone so much that you stay in touch by letter for 9 years is the most beautiful story. It shows me that putting your faith in something, no matter how scary shows how amazing waiting and putting in the work for something can be.
As a role model for aspiring entrepreneurs and models, what values or principles do you prioritize in both your personal and professional life?
I prioritize always being my authentic self, this means knowing who I am and what I stand for. I believe in being kind to all and having love and empathy for those around me. I also believe in using my own creativity, I am a very creative person, so this is something that is vital for me to do in all areas of my life. It is how I express who I am.
What advice would you give to your younger self when you were just starting your journey in the fashion world?
I would take my hand and first and foremost tell myself that everything will be okay. I would say that it is not going to be easy, it going to be really, really hard. It will challenge you in ways that you never thought possible, but every challenge will bring you closer to a more authentic version of yourself and who you are meant to be. Use every challenge to learn, grow and allow it to shape you. Never ever give up and always love yourself more than any other person, place, job, etc. Loving yourself is the key to everything, being able to understand that a “no” is the closing of one door and the opening of another. And sometimes that “no” will be the best thing that ever happened to us – because it will lead us down our true path. Last but not least, be prepared for rejection – rejection is something that we all face, it’s a normal part of life. It’s when we let that rejection define us and our path – that we get into trouble. Because you are so much more than someone’s “no”.
How do you approach diversity and inclusivity in your work, and what steps do you take to ensure representation in the projects you choose to be a part of?
I like to do work that captures me, and the essence of who I am and what I stand for. I am a big believer in authenticity and being true to myself. This is something I want to convey in all areas of my life. Doing work that honours me and who I am and what I stand for is something that brings me happiness.
Looking ahead, what projects or goals are you most excited about pursuing in the near future?
First off, I am so excited to be the cover girl for Retreat Magazine! What an Honor! Also, I am honoured to be a special guest at the BLOSSOM Couture Fashion Show in Chicago on April 25th to benefit the Wing’s Program. Domestic violence is an issue close to my heart and WINGS provides critical service to survivors. I also have some very exciting shoots coming up on some special projects and anniversary covers that I cannot wait to be a part of.
Hannah’s Holiday Rules
What’s your must-have luxury item when traveling?
Not sure how luxurious it is but my pillow!
What are your beauty tips for staying glamorous on the go?
Moisturizer & lip gloss
Favorite destination for shopping?
Magnificent Mile in Chicago
Describe your signature travel style in three words.
Bohemian, classy, & neutral
Favorite hotel?
The Sophy Boutique Hotel
Top fashion capital you love to visit for inspiration?
The Fashion District – Manhattan
One beauty product you can’t travel without.
Chanel Eau Fraiche
Dream destination for a fashion photoshoot?
Formentera is a Spanish island located in the Mediterranean Sea.
Share a fashion tip you’ve learned for traveling.
Wear exercise clothes for flights, especially long-haul journeys, they’re incredibly comfortable to wear.