Holiday Skin Survival Guide

It’s the season for cocktail parties and family gatherings, but if you’re already stressing over your all of your upcoming commitments, Dr. Kate Jameson, Director at Youth Lab, Australia’s leading medical aesthetics clinic, has handled the skin issue by finding the best procedures and products that will keep your complexion clear, calm, and fresh.

Holiday Skin Emergency #1:

Clogged Pores and Dullness

There is nothing worse than clogged pores, blackheads and a lacklustre complexion especially when you are wanting to look your best over the holidays. With extra makeup, later nights, alcohol and extra sugar in the diet it is no wonder the skin is often the first to show signs of fatigue.

Clogged pores can develop from a buildup of sebum (oils) and debris within the skin and this is often the result of not cleansing properly at the end of the day, not exfoliating the skin efficiently and using too much occlusive makeup and creams.

The solution? Ensure you always double cleanse each night before bed and ALWAYS remove your makeup. A double cleanse should use a gentle cleanser to remove makeup, dirt and excess oils (I love an oil-based cleanser such as Cosmedix Purity Solution for this) and the second cleanse should be more active, preparing the skin for your active serums.

A weekly exfoliating mask will also remove any debris from the pores, ensuring any damaged skin cells are gently removed and the complexion left glowing. The Youth Lab Enzyme Elixir mask uses the power of fruit enzymes to gently remove lifeless skin cells, revealing a smoother, more radiant-looking complexion.


Holiday Skin Emergency #2:

Post-Party Puffiness

 Puffy skin and swollen eyes can often be attributed to extra alcohol (think that Christmas cocktail you normally wouldn’t have after work) combined with less sleep.

Alcohol causes dehydration, and dehydration affects the skin by causing a reduction in the ground substance and supportive structures. This results in poor skin tone and integrity, and a dry and sallow appearance. As alcohol is a diuretic and slows down gut motility, affects liver function and digestion we see the effects in dehydration, headaches, poor sleep, bloating, poor digestion to name a few. This can result in puffy eyes and sluggish blood flow to the skin resulting in a pale and lifeless complexion.

When considering a few more drinks than usual, the addition of a hydrating serum into your skin care regime is essential. I would start using a hydrating serum such as Ultra MD Ultimate B2 Hydrating Serum). This is my go-to product to help restore moisture balance and provide hydration. It’s oil-free, feels smooth and silky on the skin and can be used morning and night. It contains provitamin B5 (Panthenol) and Vitamin B3 (Niacinamide) and high levels of hyaluronic acid which work as humectants in the skin (that is they attract and retain water).

Treatments such as a relaxing facial with lymphatic drainage can help to improve blood blow to the skin and encourage the lymphatic system to drain away toxins and improve the appearance of puffiness within the skin. Adding a hydrating peptide mask can help to relieve dry, distressed and dehydrated skin and help kickstart your skin’s recovery.

But like they say,  prevention is better than cure so start sipping that H2O and monitor your intake of alcohol this festive season.


Holiday Skin Emergency #3:

Acne breakouts or blemishes

 Breakouts and blemishes are one of the more common concerns we see in the clinic during the holidays. Sugar and lifestyle changes can affect the liver and metabolism which results in increased inflammation in the body, often manifesting as acne and congestion.

Many people relax their eating habits this time of year then go on to have a new years ‘detox’ and make new year’s resolutions that fail after a few weeks. Why not keep a bit of balance during the holiday season to avoid the post Christmas slump?

Eat a wide variety of lean protein, fruit, vegetables, good fats such as avocados and nuts, and cut out processed foods, whilst allowing a little treat here and there.

The use of antioxidants in your skin care regime can also help decrease inflammation in your skin from the dietary changes that accompany the party season. A high dose vitamin C serum works to promote collagen synthesis, provide environmental protection, smooths and firms the skin. Add this to your usual routine and you will see the changes at the end of summer. Our go-to antioxidant serum in the clinic is Cosmedix Affirm and Cosmedix Pepoxide.

Regular skin peels focused on controlling inflammation and decongesting the skin will also help to control any blemishes. I also love Hydrafacials for removing debris and congestion from the pores as well as providing an antioxidant infusion into the skin .


Holiday Skin Emergency #4:

Too much fun in the sun

The festive season often finds us seeking the sun and enjoying more time outdoors. Excess sun exposure is a direct contributor to our ageing skin and the primary cause of wrinkles, pigmentation changes and of course skin cancer. There is also nothing worse than getting badly sunburnt and being left with peeling and in some bases blistering skin.

Daily SPF 30-50+ of a broad-spectrum sunscreen is non-negotiable. Not only will this limit sunburn and DNA damage from both UVA and UVB rays it will prevent and repair pigmentation and ensure any treatments you decide to have done over the silly season will work to their maximum benefit. It is very important to note that any SPF coverage within makeup is not sufficient to protect the skin from the damage of the sun’s UV rays.

In addition to sunscreen keeping the skin hydrated after sun exposure is vitally important, especially if any sunburns have occurred. My favourite is our own Youth Lab Hydration Complex containing high levels of hyaluronic acid and aloe vera to soothe and calm the skin.

Once your fun in the sun is over and it is time to treat the visible pigmentation that may have occurred, treatment with Broad Band Light (BBL) will remove visible pigment and sun damage, leaving the skin more refined and clear.


Holiday Skin Emergency #5:

Revive Tired Eyes

With later nights, increased social engagements and the increased pressure to get everything “finished” before the new year we often find a lack of sleep can start to contribute to the appearance of our skin and eyes. There is nothing worse than colleagues and friends commenting on how tired you look so in the case of tired eyes, prevention is better than cure.

Smoking, excess caffeine consumption, alcohol, dietary deficiencies, dehydration, sleep deprivation and stress can also contribute to dark circles, puffiness and shadowing under the eye area. Modifying these are the first steps in managing this common problem.

Ultimately targeting the eye area early and looking at preventative treatments and lifestyle modifications will deliver the best long term results.

Simple treatments such as medical grade eye creams are also useful. A high quality cosmeceutical eye cream can help to increase collagen, firm the skin and target damage from hyperpigmentation by lightning and brightening the skin. A cult favorite is Cosmedix Opti Crystal which will instantly give your eyes the lift they need.

A simple pick me up to do in clinic is our PERK eye treatment which infuses skin tightening peptides and brightening ingredients, followed by a hyaluronic acid eye mask. Relaxation and results! Combine this with a course of radiofrequency skin tightening treatments to stimulate collagen and elastin and tired eyes will be no more.


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