Kelly Von Schleis
Unlocking the Secret to Sustainable Wellness: Kelly Von Schleis, Founder and CEO of LUXEFit
As a leading fitness and wellness expert, Kelly Von Schleis, the founder and CEO of LUXEFit, is on a mission to help women find sustainable, healthy lifestyles that foster self-confidence and optimal health. She’s a celebrity health coach, personal trainer, published health and fitness author, and lifestyle influencer. Kelly’s commitment to promoting wellness has earned her a loyal following and made her one of the most sought-after experts in her field.
With LUXEFit, Kelly is taking her passion for healthy living to the next level. The company’s first program, the “21-Day HEALTH RETREAT in your Pocket,” is set to launch this spring and promises to bring the retreat experience straight to you. The program, which was created by leading health and fitness experts places a heavy emphasis on mindfulness, nutrition, fitness, and beauty. LUXEFit isn’t just about transformative programs – it’s also about luxury. As a global brand, LUXEFit will be launching bespoke athleisure wear custom designed and made in Italy, as well as luxury fitness equipment and necessities for active women on the go. Kelly’s vision for LUXEFit is to create a new standard for health and wellness that seamlessly integrates luxury with healthy living.
Can you tell us about your background and how you got started in the health and fitness industry?
Growing up as an athlete I formed a natural interest in health and fitness. From an early age, I understood the importance of exercise and nutrition and the immediate benefits to my overall mood and energy levels.
I quickly developed a passion for helping others achieve their health and fitness goals. I began personal training at the age of 18 and studied exercise physiology in college. Later I earned my health coach and Pilates certifications to expand my education. Currently, I work full-time as an IT Healthcare Programmer and Project Manager as well as a Practice Director for my consulting firm which has allowed me to self-fund my passion project LUXEFit.
What inspired you to start LUXEFit, and what sets it apart from other health and wellness companies?
Health and fitness apps are abundant on the market, but LUXEFit is that all-in-one wellness app that has been lacking in the space. We encapsulate the true definition of a “luxury health retreat in your pocket.”
In my health coaching pursuit and life experience I quickly realized that most women are extremely conscious of the importance of health and fitness in our lives – but we are typically stressed, unsatisfied with our body image, and let’s face it – most of us feel like we’re running on empty!
We likely get our workouts in a few days a week or may even hire an expert coach. Some of us go a step further and prioritize a luxury health retreat or vacation, but we’re right back into our old habits and suffer from the return to home stress. Most women just aren’t feeling as good as they should every day and I’ve discovered the solution without spending unnecessary time or money on health coaches and trainers.
I established LUXEFit as a lifestyle guide to set women up for success with our complete mind & body transformation programs and to raise awareness of the critical importance of daily mindfulness leading to untapped unconscious energy. We offer customized programs to get you rapid results and help you reach and maintain your goals. Our programs are easy-to-follow and require minimal time each day. We offer high-quality content and incorporate unique components, such as live DJs that set us apart from other health and fitness apps. Immersive content serves as a guide to tapping our subconscious power and energy.
LUXEFit also curates and hosts live wellness events to bring the community together and celebrate our wellness journey and success. People love our luxurious events!
Your mission is to help women find a lasting healthy relationship with their body image, exercise, and diet trifecta. What advice do you have for women who struggle with these issues?
Living a healthy lifestyle is within your reach. Instead of thinking ‘I’ll be happy when’, enjoying the process and embracing the present moment is critical while working towards your goals. Be kind to yourself girls!
Finding a healthy balance can be challenging and complex and take patience, but these tips can help anyone improve their relationship with their body image, exercise routine, and diet:
Prioritize your mental and physical health (as opposed to just your appearance). Put MORE emphasis on your mindset and lifestyle rather than fixating on what you see in the mirror.
Practice self-compassion and be kind and patient with yourself. Treat yourself with the kindness and compassion you show your most significant other.
Challenge any negative self-talk and replace these thoughts with positive affirmations and focus on your strengths and accomplishments. We all stray but getting back on track and finding consistency is the keystone to tapping your subconscious endless power.
Your first program, the “21-Day HEALTH RETREAT in your Pocket,” heavily emphasises mindfulness, nutrition, fitness, and beauty. How did you choose these areas of focus, and what can participants expect from the program?
Let’s face it – most people struggle with managing day-to-day stress regardless of how health-conscious they are. Our 21-day program is designed by leading health & fitness experts to help you better manage stress while looking and feeling your absolute best. By combining all essential lifestyle components into the program we address the needs of your whole person, by promoting physical, mental, and emotional health and well-being while improving appearance and self-esteem. You are a champion and it’s time to own it.
You can expect to feel and see results on day 1 of the program with improved mood through our mindfulness segments, decreased bloating with our pre-program cleanse, and increased energy with our invigorating workouts. The program requires less than 30 minutes a day!
The mindfulness components are designed to help reduce stress, and improve mental clarity, productivity, and overall quality of life. We include short and effective morning inspiration videos to get you starting your day at your best. When you redirect your mind to a positive state first thing in the morning, you set your day up for success and manage obstacles with ease. We also include bedtime meditations to calm you into a restful sleep.
The nutrition guidance will balance your gut health (which can be the leading cause of bloating, fatigue, and other chronic health issues) as well as cleanse and fuel your body for optimal health and improved energy levels.
The express 20-minute workouts are uplifting and effective and we offer a huge variety of classes, including HIIT, Pilates, Strength Training, Bodyweight, and Yoga, as well as Booty and Core focused workouts and more. Our workouts are designed to improve metabolism and muscle tone, reduce stress, and improve mood,
The skincare and beauty components of the program are designed by celebrity aestheticians to help improve completion, lymphatic flow, skin texture, and appearance. We also share top beauty trends, and anti-aging tips, and recommend effective body treatments and therapies to skyrocket results.
LUXEFit also offers bespoke athleisure wear and luxury fitness equipment. Can you tell us more about these products and how they fit into the LUXEFit philosophy?
Our athleisure wear is designed to help women feel confident, comfortable, and luxurious. Our high-quality, silky textiles are hand-selected in Italy which complement the body and feel divine on the skin.
“The quality of Italian-made products is unmatched anywhere in the world. I’m so excited to bring a touch of Italian flair to LUXEFit,” says Kelsey Norris, LUXEFit’s Style Director.
LUXEFit has also partnered with leading fitness equipment brands to create cutting-edge products and devices. We’re currently in the development stage of creating official LUXEFit branded equipment that’s easy to store at home or accessible for travel use on the go.
As a lifestyle influencer, you have a significant following on social media. How do you use these platforms to promote healthy living, and what impact do you hope to have on your followers?
With stress, self-criticism, and self-doubt at an all-time high in the world, I want to make a positive impact. I’m a huge advocate for self-care. We only get one body, so we need to treat it with love and kindness and do our best to enjoy each moment.
My mission is to help inspire as many people as possible to make healthy lifestyle shifts to improve their quality of life and self-confidence. We get so stuck in our ways as adults, especially with unhealthy habits, and coping mechanisms and I want to encourage a shift. Stress has been proven to cause disease in the body and even a few small positive daily improvements can create dramatic, lasting changes.
I want my followers to realize that each of us is in the driver’s seat of our life and we have control of how we choose to look and feel (for the vast majority of us). Even as a health professional, it took me so long to realize that mindfulness work is even more important than the other components of living a healthy lifestyle. I want others to come to this realization, as it’s life-changing. Lacking this awareness leads to an inability to manage stress, impacts your overall happiness, and can cause your relationships or career to suffer. With just simple shifts in daily practice, you can improve your quality of life substantially.
What common misconceptions about health and wellness would you like to correct?
You do not need to do incredibly intense and lengthy workouts to reap results. This is why I promote express 20-minute workouts on the LUXEFit app. Also, if an exercise doesn’t feel good on your body, you probably shouldn’t be doing it. I have even stopped running on treadmills altogether. We should push past our comfort zone for growth, but not at the risk of injuring ourselves.
Sugar is extremely addictive and for those who are attempting to cut out sugar in your diet, make sure to read all nutrition labels since they hide sugar in more foods than you can imagine. The best way to determine how your insulin levels respond to certain foods is to try wearing a glucose monitor for a month or so. Blood Sugar and nutrition monitors such as LEVELS are becoming trendy in the fitness community. The monitors show you the direct impact that food has on your health. They are essentially the new ‘apple watch’ for health and fitness aficionados.
I think many people lack awareness of the importance of gut health which has a direct impact on how you look and feel. Oftentimes common bloating, fatigue, and brain fog can be caused by unbalanced gut health, and this can easily be improved by adding in gut-healthy foods, such as kimchi, bone broth, celery juice, low-sugar kefir and kombucha, etc) or by incorporating LUXEFit’s fasting bone broth protocol.
Low-fat versions of foods usually have additional unhealthy additives in them, so I typically opt for full-fat versions of foods. Also, I still see many people ordering egg-white omelettes. The yolks of eggs contain more essential nutrients than egg whites, so it’s healthier to eat whole eggs. You just need to account for the additional calories.
What are some of the biggest challenges you face as a health and fitness expert and entrepreneur, and how do you overcome them?
My biggest challenge as an entrepreneur has been self-funding my luxury company with a lack of any financial assistance to date. I’ve had to make adjustments to find a healthy balance with the extremely long hours I work. I have made some significant sacrifices to pursue my dream. The health and fitness industry is an over-saturated and constantly emerging market so staying on top of the industry trends and finding your niche is imperative.
How do you plan to continue innovating in the health and wellness industry?
With my programming, healthcare, and technology background, I embrace emerging technologies. I’ve been anxious to finalize a custom algorithm to personalize mind & body transformation programs for an individualized approach based on the data each report.
Preventative care is also incredibly important and often overlooked so I’d like to draw more attention to this. I’m also excited to collaborate with other leading health & fitness businesses to innovate new products and services and also continue developing LUXEFit branded products.
Finally, what advice do you have for people who are just starting their health and wellness journey?
Enjoy the journey! Begin making small shifts in your lifestyle habits and identify what brings you joy with the process. For example, if you feel connected with nature then bring your meditation and exercise outdoors. Find types of exercise you enjoy and that feels good for your body.
I also recommend setting realistic goals that are achievable and sustainable and stopping fixating on the number on the scale.
Identify healthier ways to cook the same foods you already love by diving into new recipes. You can even make healthy mac and cheese, pizza, and decadent desserts all guilt-free from the comfort of your own kitchen. There’s an abundance of healthy recipes to choose from. Eat a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein and always ensure you’re getting ample water intake. If you’re thirsty, that’s a sign you’re already dehydrated.
Lastly, sleep is critical for optimal health. Aim for 7-8 hours to help your body repair and regenerate and take rest days after super intense workouts to let the body recover. Rest is incredibly important and must be prioritized.
Kelly’s Holiday Rules
How have your personal travel experiences influenced your approach to health and wellness, and how have you incorporated those experiences into LUXEFit’s philosophy?
I’m someone who loves to indulge in health and fitness-focused travel destinations. I’ve experienced several retreats, programs, and incredible stays at the most luxurious destinations. The only pitfall with a lot of these incredible experiences is that once you return home, life begins to feel just as chaotic once you’re back in your real life daily living with work and responsibilities. I designed LUXEFit with the fundamental principle that you can bring the retreat experience to your own home to learn how to realistically accomplish sustainable results.
What are your favourite travel destinations that you find particularly rejuvenating for your wellness journey?
In California, Post Ranch Inn in Big Sur is pure magic. I love going for long hikes in the majestic forest and along the coastline followed by the all-organic cuisine. The whole experience is truly a breath of fresh air. I always feel inspired by being next to the ocean.
In Arizona, Miraval is a life-changing health retreat experience I’ll never forget which helped me find serenity and solace after the loss of my father.
In Europe, my friends at Experimental Group create exceptional luxury experiences in really fun, beautiful places. In Spain, Menorca Experimental is great for healthy activities surrounded by nature and the sea. In Switzerland at Experimental Verbier, the Chalet spa is so relaxing with gorgeous mountain views and personalized French skin care treatments. In Milan, where my stylist is based, she raves about the Casa Cipriani spa for total rejuvenation – can’t wait to try it one day soon.
As a frequent traveller, how do you maintain your personal wellness routine while on the road?
I plan ahead and continue to make my wellness routine a priority. We all know that once you fall off from something several days in a row, it’s difficult to reincorporate it back into your life. I make time for exercise and prioritize sleep. If I know I’ll only get 6 hours of sleep after a long, intense workday, I’ll choose an extra hour of sleep over a workout in the morning because sleep is most important. I used to skimp on sleep and prioritize intense exercise and it left me drained and often lead to me getting sick while travelling.
I also always bring my essentials with me on the road and continue to stay active and find gyms and studios nearby in advance. I look for hotels and resorts that include spas, gyms, and other health amenities to keep me on track while I travel. I also prioritize picking up essential items at a grocery store and storing these in my hotel refrigerator.
What are some of the biggest challenges you face when it comes to staying healthy and active during travel, and how do you overcome them?
For many years, my weakest self-discipline moments were at restaurants on airport layovers or during a flight. but it definitely started to take its toll on me so I made some adjustments. If I have a full day of travel with layovers, I now prioritize walking around the airport and putting some headphones in. I’ve also started locating spas in some of the larger airports and have enjoyed a quick massage over a cocktail during my layover and realize how much better I feel with these decisions. Some movement is better than no movement at all!
What advice would you give to someone who is looking to maintain their wellness routine while travelling but doesn’t know where to start?
Begin by prioritizing the basics of wellness, like staying hydrated, eating unprocessed foods, getting ample sleep, exercising regularly, and limiting alcohol intake (which typically tends to spike when people travel). I recommend packing smart and bringing workout clothes and shoes, and healthy snacks to help you stay on track on the road. If you remember to prioritize your wellness while travelling (such as meditation, yoga, taking baths, and other self-care activities) it will help you manage the additional stress that travel takes on your mind and body.
How can people use travel as an opportunity to expand their wellness practices and try new things?
Depending on your destination, consider incorporating activities such as hiking, kayaking, paddleboarding, or biking into your itinerary. I always do some research before I arrive at my destination and your concierge can be an excellent resource at many hotels and resorts. Many travel destinations offer wellness retreats or workshops that allow you to immerse yourself in a specific practice, so it’s a great opportunity to try new things! Always take time to relax during travelling and try treating yourself to a new, unique spa service or enjoy the amenities at your travel destination such as a sauna, steam room, or hot tub.
Can you share any unique wellness experiences that you’ve had while travelling that have stayed with you over time?
After a private Pilates at the iconic Sirenuse hotel in Positano, I tried contrast therapy for enhanced recovery, rotating between the sauna and full-body cold plunge was so invigorating and helped me the next day. I now try and incorporate it into my post-workout routine, even if all I have access to is a cold shower.
LUXEFit specializes in bringing a “retreat experience” into people’s homes or travel destinations. Can you tell us more about how this approach can help people maintain their wellness routines even when they’re on the go?
LUXEFit is truly an elite health coach in your pocket so you can take it anywhere and it will be your bible! LUXEFit offers a retreat experience by emphasizing the critical components of personal growth, self-care, and renewal. You can also download any program content so you may access it while offline.
What are some upcoming travel trends that you see in the health and wellness industry, and how is LUXEFit adapting to those changes?
I think taking time for a digital detox is incredibly beneficial when travelling to give yourself a complete break from technology (and most importantly social media) to disconnect and recharge. LUXEFit plans to offer luxury retreats where we incorporate a digital detox as part of our retreat experience to fully ‘unplug’.
Finally, what’s next for LUXEFit when it comes to travel wellness, and how do you plan to continue innovating in this area?
Awareness is key to achieving optimal health. As digital health tools advance, we can better track and manage our fitness and wellness habits while on the go. I’m fully immersed in cutting-edge technology and excited to partake in the innovation of these mind-blowing product capabilities. LUXEFit will also be curating luxury wellness retreats at exclusive travel destinations for women who would like a deeper personal experience and connection to the healing benefits. Stay tuned!
Photographed by Igor Malakhov @igor_malakhov
Model Kelly Von Schleis @kellyvonschleis
Styling by Kelsey Norris @kelseynorris
Hair & Makeup by Erika Reno @erikareno_artistry
Behind the scenes Luke Dejoras @luke.dejoras