Daniella Beckerman’s Holiday Rules

I grew up in a beach town in South Florida, so it’s in my roots to be by the ocean. I moved to Los Angeles right after graduating high school to continue modelling and pursue acting. After living in LA for two years, I got my real estate license and am now working towards my […]

Olivia Rodriguez’s Holiday Rules

Tell us about yourself! My interests include travel, fitness and fashion. I grew up doing ballet, gymnastics and competitive cheer. I am currently a senior at the University of California, Santa Barbara and study Economics and Accounting. I’m academically competitive and have always enjoyed working very hard and finishing at the top of my class. […]

Alisun’s Holiday Rules

Born in Los Angeles, Alisun is a proud heiress of her Latin roots – Cuban and Mexican. At a young age, she discovered her musical and performance talents and dedicated herself to learning the piano and taking vocal and acting classes. Diving right into her passion, she also participated in endless plays and live musical […]

Madison Martina’s Holiday Rules

Madison Martina is not only signed to OModels LA, Next Miami and Body London, but also founded her own swimwear line, Kamari Swim. Growing up in Florida, swimsuits were Madison Martina’s wardrobe staple. However, she rarely felt confident in a swimsuit since they never fit just right. She saw this as her opportunity to create […]

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