Travel: Cheap & Chic Tips

Know when to book

Try and book flights as far in advance as possible. Airlines have a tendency to push prices up as far as 11 months prior to the departure date – savings of around 20% can be made on flights alone by booking in advance.
Alternatively, for the spontaneous travellers, we would recommend booking flights a few weeks before the trip when airlines are selling the final seats.

Don’t stop searching after 8pm
The time of day in which flights are booked can make a considerable difference to prices. Airlines usually update their systems throughout the day, so there’s a high chance of getting the cheapest price when searching after midnight on a weekday. A couple of hours sleep might be lost, but if it saves money – why not?

Take advantage of offers
Subscribing to newsletters is one of the best ways to grab the latest offers and save money. Airlines are currently in a period of deflation, especially on the long-haul front, so they’re always emailing out offers to their subscribers.

Do your research
Depending on where and when you want to fly, research when the cheapest times to travel are. For the Caribbean it’s January-March and November, whilst for Mexico it’s May/June. It’s also good to research when the annual school holidays fall – it’s no secret that airlines skyrocket their flight prices over these peak times, so you’ll see a clear decrease in price following the holidays.


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