Slimming Down with Style: How Wellness Takes the Lead in Weight Loss

Trying to lose weight may seem like an innocent enough goal—but if you’re only looking at a number on the scale, you won’t be seeing enough of the bigger picture to achieve the best results. Ultimately, weight loss should benefit you. A global study found that losing 8% of your body weight can prevent diabetes, for example. However, fixating on a number without looking into how various aspects of your health influence your weight will only slow you down.

A better alternative is to use a holistic approach based on different aspects of your wellness. Dr. Bill Hettler’s dimensions of wellness model outlines the facets that make up your feeling of overall satisfaction, and it’s often used in academic research to measure the well-being of groups and individuals. Out of the dimensions he covers, pay attention to these in particular, as they play a vital role in happy, healthy, and sustainable weight loss.

Physical wellness

This dimension of wellness involves taking into account your body and its needs, including exercise, nutrition, and sleep. You need to nurture your body to ensure your overall health. Simultaneously, you need to consider your unique biology in your weight loss plan. Physical wellness isn’t one-size-fits-all, and that 31-day fat-burning workout or keto diet that might have worked for your friend may not work as well for you. This is why personalised weight loss programs can be highly effective—they’re a set of guidelines designed to fit around your particular lifestyle. Instead of trying highly restrictive diets that cause rapid weight loss and rebounds, leverage weight loss plans that encourage you to build healthy and sustainable habits, such as eating a balanced diet, sleeping better, and incorporating movement into your daily routine.

Intellectual wellness

The intellectual dimension of wellness acknowledges the role a happily active mind has to play in overall well-being. This is true for weight loss—your mindset and beliefs are crucial in making your goal happen. For example, you won’t get very far if you’re only losing weight due to negative reasons like the comments you receive from others about your body. It’s helpful, then, to use cognitive tools based on psychology and behavioural science that can aid you in comprehending and deciding to take a weight loss journey. Many effective weight loss programs ask that you first take a quiz to assess your values and provide a motivational map for the healthy lifestyle changes you need to make. By identifying what would most inspire you to lose weight, such as the desire to feel healthier rather than to conform to others’ preferences, these quizzes and resulting weight loss plans can help you tackle weight management with a more positive and productive mindset.

Social wellness

This dimension of wellness examines whether you feel connected or supported by your relationships. The way the people closest to you feel and act will also affect your feelings and actions—including those regarding weight loss. If your friends and family don’t support or encourage you to get in shape to boost your health, you’ll likely feel your own motivation waning. On the other hand, the social dimension of wellness also demonstrates the power of community. Joining a weight loss support group, for example, can significantly boost your initiatives. You’ll have people with similar goals you can share insights with, commiserate about wins and struggles, and stay accountable to. Because of that social support, you’re more likely to follow through with your weight loss goals.

Spiritual wellness

A spiritual dimension of wellness is a sense of purpose and meaning in your life. While some might not connect that to weight loss, our previous article acknowledges that incorporating your spirituality into your efforts could very well be part of your weight loss personality. With your spiritual centre at your guide, you can recite prayers or affirmations to keep your weight loss goals at the forefront of your mind throughout the day or pause before meals to reflect on how you’re nourishing your spirit.

Weight loss isn’t only about the number on the scale. For sustainable, healthy weight loss, keep in mind the role wellness will play in your journey through these vital dimensions of your well-being.

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